Friday, July 24, 2009

Chengde Magic

Nimen hao!

Again, I've been MIA...drats. I'm hoping I'll be more consistent at the posting thing when I get to Yali, 'cuz here in the Beijing...well, yeah...

Anywho, and a few friends ventured out of Beijing a few weekend ago (and two weekends ago (Dalian!)...and last weekend (hiking and camping on the Great Wall! forthcoming) We journeyed to Chengde, a city in Hebei Province. It was a sweet time, as documented below:

Note: we also spent a day exploring this incredible park: Highlights included hiking its mountains and wall, checking out decrepid Communist vacation homes, watching a Chinese calligraphist make his art, and listening to some pretty sweet music (and having learning do-re-mi on the erhu, a traditional Chinese string instrument). I'd say that it was fun times, and I know fun times.

I'm also planning on writing more thought-provoking and intellectually engaging posts in the near and distant future. I'm also planning on introducing another feature of the blog that I've been developing: Chris' Character Comics, or San(1) C. They are incredibly fun to create, and I hope y'all will enjoy them as a regular feature.

v :-) v,



  1. The temple footage was amazing.
    Cake eating, not so much. :-}

  2. Holy F#ck! That dance is actually something we call the Chinese Checkers down here. I had no idea it could have actually been a Chinese exercise. Or maybe they found out about it and started using it? Dubious. But OMFG. I'm stunned.
