Sunday, June 28, 2009

The China, Our China (Zhongguo, Women-de Zhongguo)

Dear Intrepid Explorers,

Sorry I've been MIA for a bit. Settling in a foreign land is quite the endeavor and took a bit more time (and sleep deprivation) than expected, but I'm back in action. And I know action.

Though this is not a the most thorough introduction to the cast of characters which will be regulars on the Vlog, nor is this the most thorough depiction of our time in Beijing thus far, but for now, it will do. It will do:

Walking with you once upon a dream,



  1. Pictures at an Exhibition! Good choice of music. Miss you!

  2. Dear Chris,

    Sing more?

    My country could totally beat your country in a fight,

  3. I look forward to future video clips, in case my nephew performs any song stylings. That would truly be, A Whole New World.
