Monday, June 15, 2009

Haikus and Stuff

Dear Intrepid Explorers,

As of late, I did indeed wander through a bygone pre-historic era, in the Land of Dial-up and 'coon Huntin': the American South. I love my family, and I love fishing, but it's time I re-entered Dear Moderity. I miss it, and it misses me. We miss each other, and this is sad.

The pandas are sad.
Freedom comes to the pandas.
I cometh to them.

Modernity hast spoken unto mine ears. It hast informed mine judgments.

China. China. Woot.
I come to you, oh pandas.
China. China. Woot.

It is my time. I shall return, somewhere, over the rainbow. I shall return in China.

I leave my country tomorrow, but the love between us will grow stronger over time and space.

To infinity and beyond!


(My dad has shitty Internet, so a video wasn't really possible. This was the best I could do. Deal.)


  1. You do know that haikus are Japanese, right?

  2. And, more importantly, require a seasonal allusion?
